Monday, April 25, 2016

On the Social Construct of Gravity

A friend just posted a satirical post on gravity as a social construct. But how can he be satirical about such a thing? Certainly it depends on how one feels. Isn't it freeing to free one bound by the slavery to outdated norms of gravity? Shouldn't we encourage any of our gravity-oppressed brethren to flap their arms and release themselves from the puritanical old science? Really, I might just have to unfriend my friend for posting such an unfeeling, narrowminded idea. Why ke...ep people from realizing their new reality and inhibit them from walking off of buildings, keep those who think themselves a winged avis from jumping out of skyscraper windows, keep teachers from teaching the open-minded view and catechizing gravityphobes out of their phobia? Maybe we who aren't haters will fight for unbigoted science that give the appropriate vision that gravity indeed is a social construct. It is as one great philosopher once said: "Gravity is dead." Thus please cancel any of your concerts against such a hateful law that would prohibit walking off the Tobin Bridge. Shouldn't we fight for our friends to pursue such a freedom?


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