Isn't the Me Too Campaign a Way to Heal our Wounds?
I think there has always been healing salve in the Christian Church, and there are many ways it goes around but the recent public campaign seems to me very very suspect. I have very little doubt the Left is using this as an occasion for further advancement to their agenda of division. It is all in Alinsky, Gramci, Lucacz (Frankfurt School devotees) to name a few. Satan always uses a little truth and compassion in his manipulating us. Funny no one is calling for purity, modesty in dress, the elimination of trashy music, i.e. rap, hip hop, heavy metal, Hollywood hedonism, etc. This too is telling as to the real agenda.
"Sexual abuse" is purposely vague---this is my original point. And modesty and preaching of sexual morality would fix a lot of things. And yet getting back to God's ways, preaching against the playboy (and playgirl, by the way) culture is not part of the agenda. It is all about control and I believe we won't understand this agenda until our freedoms are gone and there are video cameras everywhere.
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