Saturday, November 11, 2017

The New Commandments and Judge Roy Moore

Does any thinking person who isn't soaked thoroughly in the secular ideology imagine that had Roy Moore refused to remove a monument dedicated not to the old stale commandments of Judeo Christian society, but instead one dedicated to the new commandments of our modern libertine lifestyles there would be any of these allegations? Had his commandments been of diversity, tolerance, equality (doesn't this one jarr against the diversity mandate?), he would be hailed instead of hated? Had he labled himself a co-exister, an evangelist for borderless countries, a hate-free holier than thou, a beligerant against the bigots, a dealer in cannibis over tobacco, a pusher of Marcuse's polymorphous perversity, a grammar school teacher teaching the values of safe sex, a devotee of Heffnarian hedonism---we would be hailing him as an uninhibited hero and worthy of all glory and honor. He more than likely would even hold office as long as anyone from say, the worthy country of Chapaquitic.


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