Friday, January 12, 2018

Ho-hum, Yet Another New Slam on President Trump

When I was in Spain a Spanish woman lamented the fact that Spain under the Marxist government had become a very bad country. I didn't think she hated her own Spanish people. I have a friend who is a Haitian minister of the Gospel and he left Haiti because it was a country of corruption, and I didn't think this Haitian pastor hated his own people. We have a president unlike the rhetorically slick politicians that we are used to who for once says what's true---perhaps not groomed newspeak as we are used to---and funny I can imagine that so many that seem so anxious to throw the stones at Trump have used such language themselves, I suspect of America herself. And funny thing, I keep hearing their 'judge not' concerning the depraved changes that have happened here in our own country until it hurts my ears. They seem just the ones that would do well to heed their own advice and make sure the beam is removed before they regard with microscopic mania the splinter.


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