Saturday, April 14, 2018


Of course I have not been briefed on Syria. I have no inside information. I have no CIA reporting to me and I don't have generals providing military strategy, and I don't have ambassadors to Russia relaying the Russian possible response to an airstrike at one of their allies. Thus I speak with a bit of ignorance. Yet, my gut feeling is that there are powers that be that seem to seek to irritate Russia into a war. First there is this whole facade of Russian collusion that seems to act as an irritant to what I think should be warmer relations to a country that we have endured a long cold war with. In fact this antagonism seems ironically to come largely from the Left. I have to wonder at this once tight comradeship. Then again Russia is no longer the USSR and they seem to be moving away from their Marxism as we in the West seem to be moving toward it. They also seem to be moving toward Christianity with a pace that is about equal to the West's fleeing of the Faith. And I just have to wonder at what motive could Assad have in the use of chemical weapons that he and Russia must realize would irritate relations with the West. Could the entire scenario have been orchestrated by folk that wish to see nothing better than friction at the least between a country that should be our ally against both the formidable foe of ISIS and the debauchery that we in the West seem to be welcoming?


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