Friday, August 3, 2018

Is Capital Consequence Contrary to Love?

If capital consequence is contrary to love as many that are following the Pope's decision to reverse what has been both Scriptural and Church teaching that some crimes warrant the severest consequence then I suppose even speeding tickets, any time in prison at all, fines, any repercussions or consequences of any kind must be eliminated. Courtrooms too. And the Nuremberg trials which sentenced the Nazi war criminals for their part in the holocaust must be revisited and perhaps the families of Himmler, Goebbels, et al. should be compensated for the unloving sentence of being hanged. I just wonder about what seems to me to be a confusion concerning love and mercy and consequence. One would think that the Bible condemned the death penalty in no uncertain terms when it appears in my reading to have been just the opposite. The death penalty even early on in Genesis (Gen. 9:6) seems not even just recommended but mandated by God himself concerning the spilling of innocent blood. And the reason given is not even societal, that society will be protected. But it is even deeper than that: that the victim whose blood was spilt was made in the image and likeness of God. It has to do with his very being. It is an ontological reason. And those mandates that seem to associate forgiveness as contra to it confuse what really is its antithesis: unforgiveness. We are called on to not hate. To readily forgive, but the confusion today has made love and forgiveness cross into the realm of jurisprudence. This is quite a false marriage. Otherwise could we even justify incarceration, even a day behind bars if love was the obliterator of consequence? If forgiveness meant this new thing would we even give out speeding tickets? Would we simply allow drug dealers to peddle their drugs for that also should not entail consequences. And is our softness on this latter the reason we have such a society where our 'war on drugs' was so without victory? It seems to me that meek and mild Jesus had a very harsh warning to those who offend these little ones. Something about millstones. Perhaps if there was a consequence of millstones and the depth of the sea, well, perhaps our society would not be so dangerous and a corrupter of the young as it is today. Perhaps when we leave the hard truths of the Bible and go by our own cultural emotions we are going down a road without the consequences that would give us a safer ride. And as to C.P. not being a deterrent: why, for goodness sake, even speed bumps are a deterrent to most. Most don't wish to have their shocks ruined. How much more our lives?


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