Schumer's Spin on Security
On hearing Schumer spin the debate about border security as Trump "wanting his own way" I found myself shaking my head at this man's unawareness or perhaps intentional spin. Let's for the purpose of this post make it the lesser sin. This being the case, doesn't it occur to Mr. Schumer that the same thing can be said about him? As to our President I continually grow in my confidence that he more than any other in public office has our country's security in his mind as a father protecting his family by guarding the door of his house against intruders. Schumer, on the other hand, seems more concerned about undermining this nation's sovereignty. Somehow I suspect there is the inconsistency of a Schumerian gated house where not everyone and his brother can approach without going through security. I just bet you can't just walk up to the door of his house, ring the doorbell, and invite yourself in. Somehow I have the meekest suspicion that should I adventure by force such an undocumented a visit I might incur just a little vetting by less than tolerant and compassionate security guards.
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