Monday, July 8, 2019

Anti-Amercia Showcased Again

So now it is Women's Soccer where anti-America feeling is showcased. I was going to say "American Women's Soccer" but I don't want to soil the beautiful word "America" with such a trivial thing as Soccer. Yes, trivial compared to the real heroes which aren't sports personalities by the way. They may be talented. They may have coordination. But please don't call them heroes. Let us not inflate what once were words that meant something. When I think of heroes I think of my Uncle Henry that was the tail gunner in a Billy Mitchell Bomber and shot down a host of enemy fighter planes. He never did return from the Pacific. I don't believe he ever played soccer. I don't think he would have refused going to the White House and I don't think he would affix the fashionable "F---ING" to the President's domicile whatever his politics. I don't think he would have taken a knee for the National Anthem. I don't think he would have disrespected the flag. Rather he didn't do that at all. He actually perished in the Pacific over that flag.


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