Tuesday, August 6, 2019

"White Nationalism" as the Motive to All Evil

It is quite interesting how the latest violence has been blamed on "white nationalism". I find it interesting that no one of the media seems to blame things on atheistic nihilism, Trump Derangement Syndrome, violent video games, dipping into the demonic, or just plain evil. I don't know about you, but it just makes me suspicious which such lineage as Jussie Smolette (have we forgotten so soon?) and the characterization of the people of Charlottesville all with the same brush never for once thinking that perhaps a motive might be on the one side, to appreciate one's heritage just as we in the North once appreciated ours? Yes, maybe there were bad people on the one side and perhaps there were on the other. But I must be a narrow intolerant person to think there were not good people on both sides of the debate on taking down the iconic statues. It does appear that the one that wanted to destroy one's statues seemed more the bully of the two. Wouldn't you say the same thing about a child who demanded the other have his toy broken and confiscated because it didn't suit him?
Anyhow it seems interesting that the media who can neither read the intents of the heart (I don't think they are that omniscient) dare to presume they have that godlike quality. I don't know about you, and it might just be me, but I am suspicious of this characterization of "white nationalism" that fits so well into the racial narrative we have been getting non-stop since our President took office. By no fault of his own he is white. And by his philosophy, and I believe because of his love for his country he is what is now known pejoratively as a "nationalist" in that he dares to think the unthinkable: that America should be sovereign over America. These two qualities of a person seem to be considered ugly and despicable things nowadays. Somehow I remember when I was in grade school the teachers told not to stereotype. That this way of looking at people was narrow and without the virtue of seeing each person as a unique specimen made in God's own image and likeness. And yet such a way of looking at people has revived and only sees race in everything. And especially they unjustly stereotype those who are deficient in skin pigment and are audacious enough to think borders, like gates to a fence, or doors to a house, are not essential to the well being of a nation. Perhaps one day they would really obey that dictate of diversity they so often espouse as being the central mandate of their creed.


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