Saturday, July 20, 2019

Death of the West at St Mary's Men's Group

This morning at St Mary's Men's group we talked about "Four Who Made a Revolution" from Death of the West by Pat Buchanan. This chapter highlighted four of the principle engineers of the Marxist Revolution in cultural terms begun with George Lucacs and furthered by Antonio Gramci in his Prison Notebooks. Not long after comes Theodore Adorno's Authoritarian Personality and then perhaps the most influential Herbert Marcuse's Eros and Civilization and his promotion of "polymorphous perversity" to his audience of academe. The emphasis: the dismantling of western civilization, the methodology of Critical Theory. A very simple program: to criticize and to criticize again and again and again. This as well as the insistent labeling of the bourgeois bigots of western civilization with a multitude of the ad hominem: hater, racist, Nazi, misogynist, chauvinist, fascist and on and on.
Though Buchanan's book is 17 years old it reads even more accurate in its portrayal of today's social climate. Yes, indeed we have experienced climate change. But it doesn't have to do with it being hot in July, but in the cultivated communism that our culture is being consumed with today. May we take heart to hear again the Apostle's injunction to not be conformed to this world but transformed by the renewing of our minds in Christ Jesus. This is the antidote to all the propaganda. May we push back such enticing entrees. Instead may our tables be of the real and substantial Bread baked in other more profound and sublime bakeries.


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