Wednesday, May 2, 2018

On My Way Birding Something Else Came Up

On my way out to look at birds at the Sanctuary I was passing the open ocean on the causeway and looked out at the water and saw something like a large rock that seemed to be in a place that I hadn't seen any evidence of metamorphosis before. Well, I stopped my bike. It seemed that because this rock seemed to be moving more than large mammoth rocks generally do I thought it was worth a scan with the binoculars. There seemed little doubt. The rock was moving. Or was it? Sometimes the wish to see something like a whale produces leviathans out of mere inorganic assemblages of calcified mineral. So I trained the glasses on this rock. I set them down looking with the naked eye. Perhaps the naked eye would be in these days of fake news give me more trustworthy truth. Yes, this was a rock that was moving. And what especially was telling, the thing that cinched it that it was at this time that a column of spray arose from the moving mountain. Well, that's right, a right whale it was. And I stopped and admired this wonder of God's creation (and yes, folks, I'm sorry to all those who don't believe in a God but believe me God is the only thing big enough to make something like a whale and the ocean he lives in). I admired him for hours. Yes, when it comes to it I have to give whales (especially rare ones) a bit more of a prerogative over the birds.


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