The Serpent of Language is Subtle
This in one of my bird books, 1000 Facts of Birds: "Scientists believe that birds evolved from lightly built dinosaurs." What is the hidden assumption in this declaration? Isn't it that the implication is that all scientists believe this? Isn't it that there is not even one dissenter among all of them? Not even one eccentric critical of the status quo? The propaganda is subtle. One reads such a sentence and the words go uncritically into the mind. Immediately the unconscious accepts the dogmatic science that comes to him as a unanimous agreement. Of course the line could have read, "Some scientists believe..." or even, "Many scientists believe..." but to state it in the way that it has is just the way to engineer the mind. And today's engineering of the mind is continually geared to the secular in most of our media. This is one of the main reasons that even in our churches we have a secular mindset. May we work hard, even in our reading, to make every thought captive to Christ and thereby have such a filter to filter out those thoughts that will make us captive to anyone else.
Perhaps the nature of the mind is at it's root fear based and fanatically controlling. We can temper this through prayer and leading a contemplative life, even as we are immersed in marriage, parenting, employment, sickness, etc. Prayer can guide science to have humility, therefore having it's rightful place at the foot of the mountain, not at the mountain top.
My family upbringing excluded praying to God as did most of my own parenting style. But it is not to late and I am learning to include family and friends in prayer. We can have some peace of mind
even as the social scientists and social engineers
attack our most innocent beings, sacred rituals,and
sacred institutions.
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