More Furthering of the PC Narrative?
You can be assured that whatever happens---say shootings or knifings, the pravda media will accentuate what furthers the politically correct narrative and will kill the stories that don't further it. It's really quite simple. A church shooting in which two get killed but is stopped by an armed man---the narrative that a good man with a gun is really all that will stop a bad man with a gun doesn't play very well when you wish to usurp the Second Ammendment and confiscate guns. And thereby this story doesn't get top billing and doesn't incur the moniker of the "rise of anti-Christianism". However if you wish to push the racist or anti-Semitism of a country that has a certain president you hate and blame for such things when you get an instance of a violent act you herald it as a typical example that the country is going the Hitlerian route that was predicted when we deplorable fascists elected another Fuhrer. Well. Perhaps I'm getting cynical. But it came to me even when at a certain Catholic church the one tragedy(and tragedy it was) that happened at a rabbi's home was brought up in the prayers. Fine and agreed. Yet why was the church shooting in Texas neglected?
I've already touched upon why that might be so. I think another aspect needs bringing to light. And that is it seems should the perpetrator be from a politically advantaged group this fact of his individuality goes unnamed. Unless of course he is white and has an anglicized name. He is not a Mohammed but a Richard. Then he becomes de facto a "white supremacist". Examples abound. And some are found to be false as in the case of Jussie Smollett, but furthered as if it was irrefutable fact. Does anyone even remember him? All this to say that such a slant toward a certain narrative undercuts my faith in much of what comes over the airwaves as news from so many of our social justice elites, PC pastors, and our Pravda anchors. One is called a hate crime (I still wonder what distinguishes a hate crime from a regular crime) while the other is not. This in itself leads me to suspect that those so concerned about the life of some at the exclusion of others have other motives than the mere love of the Imago Dei. Rather I think they highlight the politically privileged because it is fashionable, and furthers the narrative against a country that just so happens to have a certain president they don't like. Maybe that they even hate while promoting their HATE FREE ZONES. To me it appears that human life is not really what is cared about but only examples that further an agenda, an agenda that cares only in calumniating a country that someone wishes to make great again.
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