World Council of Families in Dark Dublin
Seeing and hearing Fr. James Martin's keynote address to the World Council of Families (endorsed by Francis) has confirmed to me that the darkness of demons have indeed not only entered the Church but been given the reins of power; and it appears---how can one even say it?---that at this moment the Gates of Hell are indeed prevailing. I am too ever confirmed that Benedict XVI stepping down was an ecclesiastical tragedy, but perhaps it was a necessary tragedy that is now exposing the consummate cloud of demonic dark passing over and into the Church. Mother Miriam has been warning about this World Council of Families and its moral heresies. She, it turns out, couldn't have been more right. On my coming into the Church a few years back I couldn't have imagined such a deadly incense entering the Sanctuary of God. I fear many will fall under its inclusivist enchantment. If this meager post can wake even one from the seductive spell it is, yes, worth even the alienation of some of my Catholic friends---though I hope they will have the truth of the Faith so uppermost in their minds that they will not take offense. And lastly, I hear almost as a shout St Paul's severe rebuke to the Galatians: O ye foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you?..." and... "but though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.."
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