NRA Kills Kids?
One of the protesters holds a sign at the White House "NRA kills kids". Really? So do we say after 911 that "American Airlines Kills Manhattans"? Do we say after the truck attacks, "Ford and Chevy Kill Pedestrians"? Do we say after the Marathon bombing, "Fertilizer Kills Onlookers"? Do we after the London knife attack, "Cutlery companies kill citizens"? If the evil was in the instrument used wouldn't previous generations where said instruments were hung over nearly all fireplaces be much more dangerous times for school kids? Is water banned because some end up drowning? And the logic that seems so missing in the leftist brain is the fact that evil men with guns will not be stopped by good men suggesting time outs. But behind it all is the agenda to make the citizenry defenseless against foreign or what is more likely domestic tyranny. The epidemic of violence has everything to do with fatherless families, the fact that a child's discipline now only means going to your room to play video games, a sentimentalized judicial system, and most importantly the exiling of God from the culture. These are the roots of the realities we are reaping these days.
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