Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Passing of Ravi Zacharias

My memory of this amazing evangelist was that I met him briefly in Atlanta and didn't see him again for about four months and when I approached after the long hiatus he smiled like I was a treasured friend and said, "Hi Will! How are you?" That this famous man remembered me, greeted me with such warmth after such a brief meeting impressed me greatly. Ravi was not only intellectually brilliant but in meeting him in person you could not help feeling you were meeting someone that really exemplified in persona Christi. Yes, the light of Christ was certainly burning bright within him of a Christ-like receptivity. May you, dear Ravi, be greeted in the Kingdom of Our Lord with the brand of joy with which you greeted me, a stranger to you. Requiescat in pace Christi, Amice Ravi.

A Different Kind of Store Front

"We're Open to the Truth" "No Masks Allowed" "Handshakes Okay" "Hugs Very OK"
It is refreshing that not all have bought into the manufactured hysteria. Though many believe we are in a unprecedented plague (and I can't fault those) but I must confess to be an agnostic about what we're being fed by a media that has not exactly told us the unspun truth for four years. Thus I admit to having a difficult time believing so much of this panic porn put out there. Could it by any chance have other motive than a great compassion for our safety and health? May it by some far out speculation be for political purpose?

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Being Outside These Corona Days

Does anyone get the same feeling as I that when one dares to go outside that one is walking among the corridors of a hospital ward?