Friday, July 26, 2019

Mueller Highlights Skewed

Looking up on YouTube "Highlights of Robert Mueller Testimony"... of the various videos that came up most were skewed to present "Trump is Guilty as Alleged" narrative. Each democrat tried to outdo each other in "leading the witness" in their questions to Mueller. The Dems made sure they repeated all the allegations as if they were backed up by three years of irrefutable tagged evidence. And I found it interesting that the strong Republican questioners was completely missing. Sometimes one wonders if one has somehow been transported to the Soviet Union and the truth-tilling reporting of Pravda.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Mueller Makeover

So today is the hearing. Mueller will be testifying. Testifying to the President's obstructing of justice of a crime that never happened. Has this ever happened before? Funny one doesn't hear that oft-repeated ad nauseum, "COLLUSION" anymore. Why not? we should ask. Especially since it was the most fashionable word for almost three years and suddenly a new word has taken over: "obstruction". I hesitate to add "of justice". I hesitate to add it because those perpetrating these hearings don't seem really concerned with justice at all---the justice which is often called righteousness in the translation of the Greek δῐκαιοσῠ́νη. Anyhow, I believe what the democrats seek to do is "obstruct" and add the phrase "of justice" simply with slight of linguistic hand to convince of the rightness or righteousness of their holy cause. Somehow I don't see righteousness or holiness in what they have been doing: three years of false accusations, corrupting our country with a repeating calumny, race baiting, deleting history, accusing the past with their so righteous forefingers, seeking to overturn a duly elected president, sullying our heroes, putting our flag to the flames and rejoicing over the ashes. I for one will not be hearing the hearings. The reason is simple: Accusations on the obstruction of something that never happened is the very definition of non sequitur. I would hope the ratings are down around exhibition badminton for that.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Yesterday was Hot

Yesterday was hot. Yesterday I was a global warmist. Today is a cool rainy day. Today I am a climate denier. Wait. Does my current appellation mean that I deny climate itself? How is "deny" coupled with "climate"? I mean can climate be denied? I could understand the word "denier" with say, "birth", as in a "birth denier" as someone that accepts the settled science that a baby in the womb is not really a baby at all. Like Dr. Wen of Planned Parenthood. And then there is that: "Planned Parenthood" : I would think with a name like that such an institution would promote parenthood rather than eliminate it. I'm getting so confused. Maybe I should've had better English classes. Words seemed to have gone so wrong.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Death of the West at St Mary's Men's Group

This morning at St Mary's Men's group we talked about "Four Who Made a Revolution" from Death of the West by Pat Buchanan. This chapter highlighted four of the principle engineers of the Marxist Revolution in cultural terms begun with George Lucacs and furthered by Antonio Gramci in his Prison Notebooks. Not long after comes Theodore Adorno's Authoritarian Personality and then perhaps the most influential Herbert Marcuse's Eros and Civilization and his promotion of "polymorphous perversity" to his audience of academe. The emphasis: the dismantling of western civilization, the methodology of Critical Theory. A very simple program: to criticize and to criticize again and again and again. This as well as the insistent labeling of the bourgeois bigots of western civilization with a multitude of the ad hominem: hater, racist, Nazi, misogynist, chauvinist, fascist and on and on.
Though Buchanan's book is 17 years old it reads even more accurate in its portrayal of today's social climate. Yes, indeed we have experienced climate change. But it doesn't have to do with it being hot in July, but in the cultivated communism that our culture is being consumed with today. May we take heart to hear again the Apostle's injunction to not be conformed to this world but transformed by the renewing of our minds in Christ Jesus. This is the antidote to all the propaganda. May we push back such enticing entrees. Instead may our tables be of the real and substantial Bread baked in other more profound and sublime bakeries.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Reparations Extended

With all that is said about reparations I guess I am beginning in my cold-hearted bigoted guilt-ridden hardened uncompassionate undiverse and intolerant confederate heart to see the light---I of course don't mean anything like religious light. Anything like the light spoken of by one of the ALL MALE disciples that without any thought of DIVERSITY wrote the entire New Testament. I am not talking about that light. I am talking about the really enlightened light of the modern progressive tolerant compassionate social justice environmental justice climate justice folk descended from the true Enlightenment. Anyhow I wish to take this reparation thing a little further. I don't think it goes far enough. Shouldn't we say whales come under reparation? I think it was a Leftist breakthrough for me. I mean think of the horrid whaling industry (I just have been reading Moby Dick and came under the Homo sapien guilt of all that unconscionable harvesting of whales. Although I suppose the great WHITE whale doesn't count individually because White Privilege I expect even extends to the cetus species)---certainly these put upon creatures should be able to claim reparations; and of course how could we limit it to whales? Why, think of all the various creatures outside of Homo sapiens that really deserve reparations for being unequally treated. Perhaps the democratic hopefuls (and again no religious connotations to 'hopeful') will latch onto this claiming they had submitted to Homo sapien privilege. Of course you see how this opens up the victimhood for canines and cats and slugs and so many more. I could see it applying as well to bluebottle flies, termites, and dog-ticks. So many more that space here doesn't allow me to mention. And that isn't even considering the flora! Why, trees! Think of the merciless Homo sapien privilege in cutting down all these trees for paper, houses, books... And as to cats. I have one so that tonight when I go home I will begin my secular repentance and feed my cat some ribeye steak, along with a nice salad, maybe a lobster... But wait a minute---am I not creating more victims? The steer, the broccoli, the lobster---ah, even more reparations it seem will be in order.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

After Reading Angela's Ashes

Some authors leave you with: He writes well, but he doesn't write good. In other words, the writing is titillating, even brings the ache to the heart in some scenes, but at the end  the depth of goodness one hoped was underneath the writing was not there at the same level of the sophisticated syntax. The temptation to excite the hormones was too great it seemed. In other words, Chesterton's 'madness of Manhattan' was too strong for the very talented writer's heady ink.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Anti-Amercia Showcased Again

So now it is Women's Soccer where anti-America feeling is showcased. I was going to say "American Women's Soccer" but I don't want to soil the beautiful word "America" with such a trivial thing as Soccer. Yes, trivial compared to the real heroes which aren't sports personalities by the way. They may be talented. They may have coordination. But please don't call them heroes. Let us not inflate what once were words that meant something. When I think of heroes I think of my Uncle Henry that was the tail gunner in a Billy Mitchell Bomber and shot down a host of enemy fighter planes. He never did return from the Pacific. I don't believe he ever played soccer. I don't think he would have refused going to the White House and I don't think he would affix the fashionable "F---ING" to the President's domicile whatever his politics. I don't think he would have taken a knee for the National Anthem. I don't think he would have disrespected the flag. Rather he didn't do that at all. He actually perished in the Pacific over that flag.