Thursday, June 27, 2019

Linguistic Novelties at the Democrat Debate

I wonder what exciting linguistic novelties will be in store for the second half of the democrat double header. Will one Beto-like break out into spontaneous Swahili? Or suddenly perhaps it will be Bernie who will boldly proclaim in perfect Russian how he would wish the rich would pay reparations for all the poor, or that the obscene capitalists would voluntary unload all their wealth so as to lesson their singularly cavernous carbon footprints? Or Joe Biden may suddenly mumble something in Gaelic about how he has always really been for the Hyde Amendment. I just can't wait. I will have many lexicons ready for the hour of linguistic dexterity. I guess if I was to choreograph it: at the climax of the debate I'd have each one of these candidates break into tongues...glossolalia rolling off the tongues as pleasant as you please. Perhaps the glossolalia would be all about reproductive justice. I wonder if the Great Judge knows about all this justice stuff? (doesn't it seem that each week "justice" acquires a new modifier?). One thing is for sure: we can be assured we'll need access to a Rosetta Stone for there will be, I predict, some godly glossolalia in all sincerity and without even one disingenuous syllable. That is how the Holy Spirit speaks to those who give themselves over to Him as the Democrats no doubt have.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

This Morning's Tea Leaves and Tonight's Dem Debate

I won't be tuning in to the democrat debates tonight. I am going out on a limb I know by claiming to have a clairvoyance about it. Somehow the word "FREE" comes in full view in the tea leaves of my morning beverage. FREE FREE FREE. The applause will be deafening from the democrat demoniacs in the crowd. Ah, yes, FREE. Free college, free food, free fun, free doctors, free sex, free utilities, free wind, free water, free pot, free green energy. I also have other clairvoyant hunches. "Impeach Trump" "Obstruction of Justice" "Collusion" also show up in the forecast. And of course there will be great boos cast at the president when each candidate highlights the president's singular immoral thoughts, his vulgarities, his uncouth remarks all from the New PURE OF HEART priests and priestesses of the New Order. Oh, and No UnChristian Walls but Friendly Wind Turbines. And if you think such stainless steel giants disfigure the countryside, mountain ranges, Cape Cod Harbors, well a little litter is worth the wind of clean energy. AOC will be alluded to no doubt as the authoress of the Cosmic Catechism that will become the rule of the globalist energy economy. And on the lapel of each will not be the hackneyed American flag but the much more fashionable virtue signal of the RAINBOW lapel pin.
You can count on this clairvoyance being correct.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

How "Clean" are Windmills?

Here at Gordon College I notice one of the art exhibits. The photograph is of a California snow-capped mountain range. In the foreground is an army of stainless steel windmills. The caption is praising California for being a leader in renewable and clean energy. I wonder a couple of things. First there seems no sense of a loss of anything at the expense of renewable energy. Why, couldn't one at least acknowledge there is a loss of primeval beauty of the mountain range with a litter of steel turbines? Wasn't there even a sense that "clean" energy was worth the unwildernessing the wilderness? Clearly littering of the most beautiful places is worth it as long as I have my central air. And then there was of course the faith statement of wind being sufficient to accommodate all the hair and clothes dryers, the air conditioners, the electric planes, the electric cars and semis, the electric toothbrushes, the electric ocean liners, that will be well satisfied by California's initiative. Shouldn't at least there be even a solitary volt of agnosticism about this in academe where science should not be so stagnant and settled but living enough to be continuously unsettled?

Monday, June 24, 2019

The Horror of Height and Weight Discrimination Being Addressed at the State House

So at the Statehouse for the "Roe Act"--- hour after hour progressed with listening to well...yes, I guess 'whining' would be the correct term if dealing with bratty kids who needed old fashioned coperal discipline---but being sophisticated adults it comes under the guise of inequality discrimination and other victimized voicings that have taken over the vocabulary of the progressive world. It got to the point where a bill was introduced regarding the travesty of height and weight discrimination. Was I really hearing rightly? What, have my ears allowed in some insanity that I wasn't quite prepared for?---even though all the pro-aborts with their pink shirts proclaiming their progressive ideologies were all about me. They too were clearly waiting for the entree of the infanticide bill (though for them it was more proper to call it the "Abortion is health care" bill). Nevertheless they did applaud for all the inequalities and discriminations that were exposed in hard hearted America and our state---how could they not? Nonetheless I observed that it seemed that their own egailitarian and NO PLACE FOR HATE hearts weren't quite in it. Of course, it was simply that these were just preliminary orderves before the main dish. And one of the appetizers was this pressing problem of height and weight discrimination. Seriously? Even in the climate of an assylum sometimes one wonders how insane can Bellevue really be? Anyhow, I thought of a hypothetical case. Say for instance a person is a sumo wrestler---isn't it terribly unjust should he be discriminated against should he wish to try his hand at being a jockey, say in the Preekness? Or take for instance the opposite case: a person is a little whisp of a jockey ---why should he not be able to have a go at grappling with a behemoth? As I was listening to proceedings I waited for such a hypothetical to be brought before the legislators as something that would truly expose such an insensitive injustice in a hard hearted workplace. I mean wouldn't it be quite a plug for de facto diversity to have whispy little jockeys among smothering sumos? Wouldn't that cinch the fact of fairness for all, except for the unlucky horse that bore the sumo burden?

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Not Over the Counter Cosmetics

Cosmetics is quite a commercial industry. But as to making one beautiful I think they nearly always lessen the natural fairness of the feminine face. But there are cosmetics for the soul like words of truth and goodness and right living and courage and a rightly placed smile that would make moot the cosmetics of the counter.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Incarceration in the State House

At the State House for the "Roe Act". In the overflow room it seemed everyone wore pink (a signaling color) shirts with "Abortion is Healthcare"  Some had Planned Parenthood logos, nearly all had the "I Support Roe" affixed to their shirts and in some cases doctor's smocks. One adolescent had a t-shirt with "Girls have a fun-damental right to do what they want". I was a little revived at that as I didn't expect to meet a fundamentalist in that crowd. But alas, she was a fundamentalist of a different stripe than I had hoped to meet in that madhouse.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

The Bold Banner of the Unitarian Universalist

Sign outside of Unitarian Church: "Black Lives Matter: We Stand by Love." It is so ethically encouraging to see people willing to stand by love. I am quite disconcerted with so many other more straight-laced churches that still resist announcing their righteousness. The loudness of their virtue overrides all the Catholic and Protestant puritans which are, sad to say, quite behind these new trumpeted theological times. They woefully lag behind the more progressive niceness of their Unitarian Universalist brethren and sistern (I'm quite getting the hang of this inclusive language)... The praying Pharisee in the Gospel story doesn't have anything on these BLM trumpeteers. Think what the praying Pharisee would've been able to do if he had access to such banners in announcing his righteousness!
Anyhow the UC show they are quite evangelistic in bellowing this belief of a very appropriate Savior of niceness. What puzzles me is why there are still a few backward incorrigible churches that unfortunately still resist the universal mandate for diversity of compassion? One now sees with embarrassment and shame the great silence of previous centuries. We are being continually reminded that COEXIST is really the goal of humankind. I am continually taught by the  bumper banners when I am behind a compassionate car in traffic or just out for a walk and come across a lawn banner admonishing me to not hate and not be bigoted and not be intolerant  So I guess what I'm saying is I'm quite grateful for all the trumpets out there making sure I am aware of how such trumpets are so tolerant and simply wish me to be as they, to be a very nice compassionate tolerant coexist type of person. Of course one can't help notice the absence of such banners until only recently in the history of Crusader Christianity known for its bullying and not for its kind banners that stand by love. Such a notable absence is really unconscionable. How could any real religion not announce with a banner-trumpet their great progressive virtue? How could they not help shouting out for the victims that have no voice (womb dwellers excepted)? 
I must conclude that it is really a blessing that we are being so catechized today by the ubiquitous banner. Even the Bible must take a back seat to this new Scripture adorning the walls of these avant garde churches. Perhaps we can make the Bible over, just a few revisions that will make it more applicable and appropriate for the twenty first century man or woman or undecided. Maybe we can insert some passages in the Bible which cover the need for the fashionable identity politics. Hopefully it won't be long before all of Christianity will get in line for the promised land of platitudes, that humanitarian heaven so many of us are striving for. Yes, a place so much more comfortable and compassionate and equal than the stale out-of-date primitive hierarchical heaven that only the fundamentalist Bible reader seems to yearn for.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Today: The Higest Rate of CO 2 In Human History

I heard Schumer today say that there never has been a higher rate of carbon dioxide in human history. Forgive me for being a little agnostic, but did they have CO2 measuring instruments back in Cro Magnon times?

As to a response about the retrieval of arctic ice core samples that verify the warming of the globe I must say I remain agnostic. Especially when the people pushing the narrative don't behave as though there is a global warming catastophe coming. I look at police cars left idling, politicians still using planes, people still buying up ocean front property for millions (I would think they shouldn't be able to give such property away), air conditioners still on even in coastal towns that have an abundance of fresh ocean air, no real increase in bicycling to work, domestics still using their dryers and dish washers than the more carbon friendly clotheslines and sinks, etc.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Oh for Bold Bishops Again!

If only the purveyors of alternative lifestyles were as apologetic as some of our bishops. It seems that today the backbone is all lining the spines of those who hate the Church and just by a supercilious frown get her Guardians of Truth to back down. Yes, wolves are fearsome but at one time there were Polycarps who played the man even before snarling wolves. Oh, truth, you have fallen on hard times! You have not been allowed to live long on the tongues of even good bishops.