Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Whatever Happened to the Climate Change Crisis?

It strikes me as quite strange this silence about the previous crisis that should've got us huddling in the corner of our homes, making sure that we were not living in ocean front property with the dangerous rising of the oceans, melting of the ice caps, and the distress of the dog paddling polar bears. Yes, global warming is not talked about these days of the Wuhan Flu. I am quite concerned that we are neglecting the impending doom of the global disaster that comes from our inordinate Carbon Footprint. And another thing bothers me as well... the addition of new nomenclature: I am going broke ordering new dictionaries every month! Think of all the new terms, phrases: "Carbon Footpring" (already cited), the Fascism of Fossil Fuels",---and from our present crisis: "Mitigation" (I have grown so tired of this word), Cvd-19 (the vowels are artificially added to "Corona Virus Disease 1999), "Social Distanoing", "the mania for masks", "Six foot spacing", etc. As soon as you get a dicitionary it becomes obsolete! My bookcases are being burdened with dictionaries for the newest fangle of diseases! I need linguistic rescuing before I drown in all these latest lexicons!

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Wuhan Flu Nomenclature

With all the concern about the unconscionable calling of this latest virus "the Wuhan Flu" earmarking its origin I heartily can understand such a naming being the newest faux pas. After all what can be more insensitive! I for one am equally concerned about all the Corvidians whose feelings are not considered in calling the virus "the Covid 19". We certainly will not have a completely unprejudicial global society if we keep insisting on calling things by their origin. I have also decided not to use the prejudicial phrases such as German Measles, West Nile Virus, Spanish Flu---and with this heightened awareness I am resisting other aspects where we find insensitive language, especially concerning pinpointing the origin of things: I have stopped using "African Lions", "Indian Elephants", "English Sparrows" "Canada Geese" ...there are so many! Hopefully I can acquire a newly edited virus and bird book that accommodate our new sensitivities.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

The "Conflicting" Accounts of the Gospels Resurrection Accounts

Blessed Easter! One of my traditions has been to read the Passion and the Resurrection accounts in each of the Gospels. The choreography of Christ's redemptive reality comes through as a seamless garment. Though each account gives some different and sometimes what seems conflicting details I side with C.S. Lewis in actually seeing such 'conflicting' accounts as a kind of interesting detail in itself that encourages rather than discouraging belief. The reason being that these details, the first witnesses, the angelic apparitions in one account and notably absent in another, and others, instead of discounting the veracity of the Event actually lend it a credibility. A credibility that comes from the fact that such 'discrepancies' did not seem to bother the Evangelists or the Early Church. And Lewis makes the statement concerning signatures that an exact signature is the sure mark of a forgery. Anyway just an Easter thought for you all. Blessings to you. May the Living Christ be a reality to you.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Honour the King (A comment on a Crisis Article)

Good article although I would go further to say that our President is so much on the side of religious freedom (which we were quite close to losing before his election) anti-abortion (I don't like the "pro-life" moniker), and so many other platforms that are so much more in line with Biblical principles. And one of the primary things is who is enemies are. That alone would convince me of his beneficence for this country. I can understand the atheist secularist being against him but the Catholic, especially the Catholic, being against him is quite the conundrum. That just shows that perhaps the gates of hell won't prevail against the Church but propaganda can and does.