Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Amy Coney Barrett Before the Inquisitors

It has been discovered that the dogma lives loudly in Amy Coney Barrett. It has also come to light that she once was found to have committed the quite agregious act of having fascistly frowned during a difficult algebra question during a third grade exam. But of course this won't be considered by the Inquistitors because it is really insignificant compared to her much more sinister act of daring to actually believe in her faith. One must surely join the offended choir of Greta and ask with secular sincerity: How dare you? Yes, that must ask the pertinent question: How can someone up for such a high position be so medieval in this day and age when to be Catholic means that you are quite compatible and compliant and conformed to what amounts to Karl Marx's most compassionate world, a world of course without HATE. And of course those religionists that dare to quote the old fuddy duddy St Paul well, there of course quoting from someone who is so chronologically out of date that it is quite without defense. Why look to someone so behind the times when one can look to more up to date theologicans and scientists like Paul Tillich, Rudolph Bultmann, Sigmund Freud, Margaret Mead, Alfred Kinsey, Carl Sagan, Fr James Martin, or any other soul free of such inhibiting repressive dogma as Amy Coney Barrett dares to believe. If she only would except the more compatible compliant and confirmed Catholicism of a Joe Biden, Nanic Pelosi, Dick Durben I think she would fare much better in front of the Inquisitors.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The Nefarious Tares

 Ah, the nefarious tares...and our slumber. We like Peter, James, and John are not vigilant during Gethsemane. I hope it is not too late when we wake up and find ourselves in the USSR and all the churches have become museums to Lenin and Marx.

Be Not Conformed

Be not conformed to the world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds that you might prove what is that good and acceptible and perfect will of God.

St Paul wrote this to the Romans. How applicable today for our own times. Of course Paul here is admonishing the Ekleisia in Rome. This is an enduring temptation for the Church to meld in with the culture. This is one of the reasons I respect the Mennonites who in dress, language, and scriptural identity resist conforming to the world. When I was in college the clarion call was "don't conform!" "Have the courage to be a non conformist!" Too bad we still don't heed this imperative. I wonder how such a Covid and Climate Change and Collusion conformity that we are witnessing this past year has ubiquitiously come about. It seems there is so little resistance especially in the Church today to the cultural construct. Could it be that we have traded our Bibles for the New York Times and Huffington Post?

Pravda Propaganda

 Why are some susceptible to the Pravda propaganda and others resist? The spin of truth is so prevalent. Vice is made into virtue and virtue is made into vice. Compassion is used like a club. Crime is considered an expression of grief. Lenin's system of governance is seen as liberation. The high priest keeping us safe, so far, from the religion of Marx is slighted and calumnated with every breath. So many others, the religious included, have succumbed to the enchantment of the media. Fake news has replaced the Gospel. Gospel virtues have been usurped. Love thy neighbor translates to a different hermeneutic from what heaven meant. Hate Has No Place Here states the opposite of what it announces. Virtue signalling is the new Pharissaic prayer.