Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The New Mueller Jurisprudence

In our three year investigation we haven't found any evidence that Mr. Mueller has been guilty of colluding with Congress but then on the other hand we can't conclude that he hasn't colluded with Congress either. Being vested in our own impartial partisan brand of jurisprudence we know quite well that a man whom we happen not to like is presumed guilty (without any statute of limitations) until proven innocent.

The Thoreau Circle Classic Book Group

Thoroughly enjoyed helping out in the newly formed classic book group on the North Shore. We are on Tom Sawyer and each boy and girl had much to contribute. It revived my spirit that these kids still largely retained a Tom Sawyer boyhood and a Becky Thatcher girlhood (many were homeschooled and from church going families). And how wonderful it is how the classics can cut through our cataracted consciences and help us comprehend truth (for all truth is God's truth), convey to our callassed hearts a truly sympathetic caratas, and as reader to realize our position as subservient to the book's author, and, even more so, by implication, how we must under-stand the Author and His story with us as the characters of the chapter he is now writing.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Feeds off a Female Uninvited

This response I just read was pro the picture of three my-body my- choice la Femme who held signs which acclaimed "Parasites Don't Have Rights". The respondee made the remark that yes, the reference to the fetus being a parasite was crass perhaps but nevertheless true. It was after all, she went on, something that feeds off a female uninvited. I just had to take a breath after that. Exhale and inhale. Is this the kind of mind being formed in our culture today? Has feminist ideology so triumphed that it can boast of this kind of liberated woman? I had to wonder if the respondee ever imagined herself in her mother's womb and was most likely not deemed a parasite but a prize.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Ethics of Elfland at C.S. Lewis Society of Beverly

C.S. Lewis Society of Beverly. Fine discussion on "Ethics of Elfland" from G.K. Chesterton's Orthodoxy. What a catalyst is Chesterton to get you to see the world with a childlike wonder, seeing even the mundane as miraculous. Should the daisy of necessity give rise to daisies? Does the sun of necessity need to rise in the morning? Are these laws of science? Or are they a kind of magic that speak of a Magician whose mind is able like a child to absorb the monotony of repetition?

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

My Body-My Choice Protesters with Signs: "Parasites Don't Have Rights"

Is this their thanksgiving mantra having been given life themselves? This a mantra that will manufacture millstones. The propaganda must be pretty sophisticated to get so many to embrace (the embrace is not warm and maternal but cold and sterile like a forceps) the godless genocide continually happening day by day at "women's health" clinics. May Planned Parenthood be praised.

On Hearing Democrats on Abortion

Whosoever offendeth one of these little ones...I somehow get the sense that millstones are being manufactured like never before, probably overseen by the foreman of the firm, St Michael, the archangel.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Collusion in Down Under?

I must alert our investigators. I know they are still quite busy with the American Russian Collusion---eventually we'll get an impartial Columbo on the case that will prove this three year old investigation wasn't a waste of time and show that it was a necessary and wonderful use of our tax dollars. But now we have Australia as well. Have you heard? An unexpected conservative won? How ludicrous and inadmissible is that? Why fifty-five consecutive polls said that the conservatives had no chance. After all, the progressives ran on the completely irrevocable settled science of climate change and global warming that it is really inconceivable and completely illogical (unless you are indoctrinated by the far far far right of Fox) and outside of the realm of reason and of course most importantly---and this can't be stressed enough transgresses our ecological and environmental emotions. How can any thinking person doubt after all the perfectly viable Armageddon prognostications of Miss AOC? Of course conservatives could not win, especially when they array themselves with outdated biblical eschatology while at the same time intolerantly shun any emotional embrace of our Goddess Gia? And as to the Australian election---the only reasonable emotional response must be that the conservatives had foreign help. I would think it won't be many days when the unbiased Sidney news outlets will implicate the influence of some Vladimir somewhere. Perhaps we could let Australia borrow Mr. James Comey and our straight laced FBI to help them uncover all the unquestionable collusion that certainly must have happened. We must get to the bottom of such a fishy election where the unlikely conservative party won. There is something rotten in Down Under as well as Denmark, I'm afraid.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Alphabet Disadvantaged

Now that seeking reparations has become the fashion of the day I thought I would join the crowd of the victimized. No one has called attention to the great injustice of us alphabetized disadvantaged who had to suffer devastating damages all through our schooling in being condemned to take our place as the last in line. To be sure "Stevenson" isn't quite as bad as "Zanzabar" but it surely isn't as advantaged as "Adams" or "Alomar". And to be coupled with the Christian name (whoops, I guess this transgresses the speech code...does "first name" sound too elitist? ) Anyhow "William" is no help for even if one is in a classroom with a Charles Stevenson the name "William" is quite a handicap. However I'm quite encouraged that in our present political climate (not to be climately confused with the fever the earth is experiencing) that once this lack of "aphabetized privilege" is recognized for what it is it will be quite lucrative in reparation rights. I'm counting on quite a nice windfall (also not a climate justice term) and hope too that support groups can be organized for all those who are in this same oppressed class. Monetarily I don't expect the same reparations of those unfairly saddled with XYZ last names; but "S" should be quite lucrative nonetheless. Yes, and only conservative curmudgeons would balk at the unfair advantages Adams and Alomar and Aaron possessed from kindergarten all the way up to the highest levels of academe. Thus it is only fair that such early letters should pay for all their alphabetized advantage. I'm thus relieved that so many now have a reparational mindset. This incontrovertible enlightenment should really encourage appropriate justice for so many of us that were dealt a victimhood merely from the names that we were unnecessarily burdened with. Perhaps in a truly equal society we could all share in the same name---perhaps something that would begin right in the center of the alphabet. "M" is the thirteenth letter and perhaps all could be named something that would be truly a name that would elicit no envy. Perhaps "Malcontent More" might be a name we could all wear without fearing any future disadvantage. At the least it would certainly alleviate anyone from enduring the heartache that comes from being so marginalized with a fatalist name so as to endure the inequality and shame of being last in line.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


These last mornings have been able to get out in the Audubon Sanctuary. It just struck me that the root of "sanctuary" is the Latin "sanctus" meaning of course sacred or holy. You get the sense of it when you see the yellowthroat fidgeting about the honeysuckle, the house wren with head back, beak opening and closing, the throat pulsating, the cauldron of notes bubbling out as if they were a liquid spilling over into a silver breath of a steady boil. Then the hermit thrush, the catbird, the cardinal; the hummingbird swinging an invisible U back and forth, over and over. Courtship. The birds could teach us humans again in this spring art. It is an art that in our liberation from innocence and the sacred we seemed to have lost. Maybe we can regain it again. Maybe we can again have our innocence in the sacred of sanctuaries where our innocence will be enough that we find our courtship in something as Edenic in its enchantment as the holding of hands.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Our Want of Wonder

I have to wonder why we are in want of wonder. Perhaps it is because we have it schooled out of us in our bureacratic and revisionist curricula. Perhaps instead we should feed the kids on entrees of Narnian nutrition, some sherbert from the Shire, and even a thimble glass of Chestertonian chardonay. I think this would quite change the country and the world if we had such a school lunch program.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Morning Birthday Gift

I don't know why there should be a thing like disease and darkness in the world, but I also don't know why there should be such a thing as the light of yellow warbler perched on a crab apple branch barnacled with blossoms. And then the song in a rapturous register. How can one explain such a touch of Eden given as a morning gift on a bicycle ride along the old railroad bed?

Friday, May 10, 2019

To Tell the Truth

Just a comment on the expression "To tell the truth..." or "To be honest with you"....a post I have just read implied that such expressions implied that one isn't honest the rest of the time. I reply that these expressions are more analogous to Jesus' "Verily, verily..." or "Amen, amen..." or "Truly, truly..." These are colloquial ways to express emphasis. To say that such phrases imply a dishonesty the rest of the time miss, I think, the emphatic purpose of certain turns of phrase. A similar kind of emphasis happens in court with one's right hand on the Bible. The oath just adds an emphasis, like an exclamation point to God.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Congressional Contempt

So Congress is going to charge Attorney General Barr with contempt? I for one am happy to join him in his contempt. Can it be possible that anyone who has escaped MSNBC and CNN indoctrination not feel contempt for such a corrupt body of ideologues who have the brass (tarnished) to talk about a "constitutional crisis" ? Remember these are the politicians who call the Constitution a "living document" which is a euphemistic way of deconstructing that document so that it means no longer what Jefferson and Adams and Hancock meant. Instead it now means whatever the enlightened Congressional community organizers like Nanci Pelosi and Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib propose it means. In essence it means just whatever. Wouldn't Professor Derrida be pleased?

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Interrogating the Text

Today at St Mary's Men's group we talked about how to interrogate the text. Today, today especially, we are under so much falsehood put down as truth, inserted in questioning as if it provided a factual context, innuendo, repeating the 'reality' until it does become reality, just enough truth to give falsehood a ring of credibility, enough neon to give the darkness just enough shadow that we think light is really present----this we see and hear daily from the Pravda of ideologues and politicians, the FBI, CNN, NY TIMES, and other outlets of spin. Unless we regularly resist we may one day become unable to recognize reality, when we may be so used to darkness that any real light will hurt our eyes. It will be then only our blindness will lead us. And currents and cliffs will then be irresistible.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Party Fluid

Since gender has become fluid I will suggest that political party should likewise be fluid and not in need of psychological intervention. That being said, I have discovered some democrat tendencies in myself that I at first was tempted to find a psychologist for. Perhaps he would not see it as a disorder but see it simply as a normality that should be encouraged. I started to suspect my democrat leanings when I discovered a hatred for present day orthodox Russia while I long for the atheistic liberty of Soviet Gulags. I also found in myself an affinity with all unfounded accusations at the expense of any evidence if it furthers my hopes for a Venezuelan paradise here in the United Socialist America (we can only hope can't we?). And I have come to accept the creed that democrat deceit is always better than republican righteousness for ends of course always justify the means (this is somewhere in the Constitution at least in a dynamic deconstructionalist reading which is quite in vogue today). I also have come to realize that I long for someone unbiased and without a political bone in his body like Eric Holder for AG rather than William Barr who dares to say "no" to any request from the senators that just wish to get at the truth about Trump. How can he say "no"?----this can be certainly be remedied by a Mitt Romney as AG who would not be so authoritarian in his animus. I know he would readily do as he was told which is the number one quality I as a new democrat look for in an AG. Of course being a fluid democrat doesn't limit me to not having somebody that will be Stalinesque regarding any republican inquisition that comes about especially in any exoneration of our Totalitarian Trump. Everyone knows he is a Nazi triumphalist who is a secretly wishes to restore the Axis Powers. It has been reported too that he did a DNA test by the same scientists who performed it for Miss Warren and it came out that he had some of El Duce in him. I do wish this little known fact of Mr. Trump's infamous pedigree would be published. It will of course, the more the right people are interrogated.
Another thing...I would also like put Mr. Putin on the stand. This of course would solidify the guilt of this president who I have heard once j-walked across a street in Moscow. This will too come out. Ah, you say this is trivial compared to Trump's treason but I would suggest that all such crimes and misdemeanors will in the end be exposed thereby making impeachment a smooth and nearly unanimous prospect. Of course there may be some biased racist-homophobe-sexist-xenophobe-ic senators like Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) who retain their stubborness even after CNN has come up with their findings as to the President's guilt. But one must have confidence that most listen to the erudite AOC and congresswomen Omar Ilhan, and Rashida Tlaib---and thus I feel completely safe and secure in a country without biased borders and as long as Climate Justice is instituted and taxes are raised to the high uncarbonned heavens. I will thus feel in a nice emotive way that my newfound party will take care of ridding the country of republican hate and Neanderthal myth until only the lovely Woodstock love of tolerance, diversity, settled science and humanitarian hugs rules our land of openness where in place of every exclusive crucifix hangs a tolerant peace sign.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The Democrat Interrogation with the Grand Lie as Its Context

In their 'interrogation' of Attorney General Barr the democrat senators repeat their narrative of Russian collusion even though after nearly three years of investigation no such condemnatory evidence was found. How can one not lament this grand lie that has so occupied and continues to occupy our country? How can one not be woebegone over such wasted energy? Can any more untruth be put into their questions? Can we not detect the deceit when it is presented as the factual context? If such a false fabric can be woven as a straightjacket for our sitting president are our imaginations so weak that we can not imagine such a garment cannot be made for us? In such a democracy of deceit can any of us hope for fairness? Are we so suggestible that mere innuendos of guilt form our convictions? One infamous propagandist rightly said that you repeat a lie long enough the people will in time take it for truth. Such can only happen where we have lost our ability to detect deceit. Such can only happen when we have become alienated from Him who is our only dependable compass. Without such a Compass I'm afraid we can only end up wandering in a loveless land that has lost irretrievably its endowed and once precious liberty.