I must say that I've been hoping for Global Warming to really kick in and it seems to be leaving New England alone. I don't remember July having overcoat weather. All I can say is I'm glad I haven't put my snorkel jacket in the attic. It has come in handy along with Shetland wool sweaters, long johns, and overcoats. I don't believe the temperature has invaded even the 70's during this July. 67 degrees Fahrenheit seems to be the average thus far. Not exactly heat exhaustion weather. And the monsoons are certainly not encouraging sun bathing either. Instead people are huddling under umbrellas and popping vita pills to keep vitamin d deficiency away. The burdened cloud bladders emptying will be the real cause, I suspect, of the rising ocean rather than the melting of ice caps. And I have to wonder why those high profile politicians that bought real estate right on the water at Martha's Vineyard still don't seem concerned enough to put their mansions on the market. You would think they couldn't unload their oceanfront property quick enough. I would think the current meterology of monsoon would at least have them planting rice and bamboo (if there can be found Siberian varieties resistant to cold). Nonetheless I am having my doubts now about the global fever where in New England at least it isn't the symptom of warming we are exhibiting but the symptoms associated with acute hypothermia.