Thirty-One Possibilities in New York
The world is changing at warp speed. New York City, is, as we speak, setting up laws distinguishing thirty-one possibilities of 'gender'-choice with concurrent penalties and fines for not recognizing and complying, and may I say, 'celebrating' them?. Could even the most Orwellian imagination have conceived of this even a few years ago? Could we have realized the abolition of man with such a heavy-handedness in the home of the free and the home of the brave? Just wait, my friends. You thought we already had revisionist history. I'm sure the mandate will get around to schoolboy's texts. They will be recalled and rewritten to fit this new narrative. Our children will be engineered. Leave no child behind. Hillary's Village will indeed raise them if we let her. Unless of course we fight back. In the pulpit, in all our forums, personal and public.In the voting booth. Aren't the children worth fighting for?