Manipulated by the Media
Make America great again. Alex de Tocqueville once said that America is great because she is good and she will no longer be great when she is no longer good. After last night's results I believe we are seeing the first steps back onto that path of greatness, with God's help. For those who have been prompted by Pravda to view Mr. Trump as a narcicist please view his (nota bene: the use of 'our' rather than 'my') victory speech. It completely shows up that consistent mantra we've all been hearing as a most inaccurate and false calumny.
For those of you, my friends, who have been convinced by our unbiased media and well engineered sound bites that Donald J. Trump is a racist and sexist and xenophobe and islamophobe and all the phobes constructed by the progressive linguists... this video seems to tell another story. And just a question to help perhaps in making your election decision: would someone who hates the African American baby be against Margaret Sanger's clinics? Wouldn't it be the candidate that is for the inner city clinics that would be the one who seeks to limit or eliminate the black family?
One candidate advocates that a child in the womb is subject, all nine months, to be removed limb by limb, the material in the skull---that in short order would be able to calculate a sum, register the beauty of a color, message her little fingers to use a crayon---that this material could be sucked out of the little skull. And yet we still can be undecided? We can still feel badly in voting for the alternative? All I can think is that our own Pravda's propaganda must indeed have a potency beyond any poison I can imagine.