Well I am not shocked that we are on the cusp of the impeachment hearings. For the Comeys and Mullers and Shifts it is quite a convenient truth that Trump did something, anything, that was quite criminal, quite demanding of something like the Nuremberg Trials. Yes, he had talked to Ukraine. That certainly is something we must get to the bottom of. Especially with two anonymous whistle blowers---doesn't their title suggest something worthy of a certain conviction? In sports the refs have whistles if there is an infraction. Penalties must follow.
Of course another benefit of the new Ukrainian narrative is that it gets Russia off the hook. I think most everyone was beginning to taste stale Russian rye after these three years. And it amazes me still the quality of mercy the Dems displayed where despite all the evidence and witnesses and the fact of the obvious criminality in our president's every breath in his certain collusion with comrade Vladimir Putin nothing was charged. And regardless of this certainty of conviction over this I so appreciate the Dems ideology of inclusion: to also get other countries involved. Certainly the more countries the better. Why, if one country doesn't work search out another. Many to choose from in any world atlas. Remember not very long ago everyone was talking about Russia. Now with Ukraine we have a fresh face. A new geographical accusation. Surely in this new land Trump can be found guilty of something. And if Ukraine doesn't pan out perhaps we may look to our socialist neighbor to the North. Who would doubt that Trudeau would be a willing ally in getting to the truth. He would be happy, no doubt, to volunteer some Canadian whistle blowers. With such witnesses it shouldn't be hard with all the new virtue signalling laws in the North Country to score an impeachment. I mean, I for one, can't conceive of Donald Trump not saying something that couldn't be construed as hate speech or even a thought infraction that was not worthy of a Trudeauian scolding. Something that would make Justin (his very name suggests 'justice' doesn't it?) wince? In the end we can be assured that there must've been something said or thought in some country somewhere that doesn't suit the politically correct palate of the UN. You may call a thing like this a coup but isn't it more like just ousting the Commander-in-Chief? Why wasn't it only the pollyannish deplorables blinded with bigotry and indoctrinated in intolerance that voted for him? Couldn't they see that Hilary would be the one to heal us of our Hate and make America, instead of Great Again, a wonderful Hate Free Zone without borders.