Friday, November 6, 2020

The Fix is In!

It is interesting is it not that those who have thought our president so evil and have fought tirelessly to feed us with collusion, climate change, corona, Ukraine, impeachment, systemic racism, and on and on all pointed as bludgeons against the duly elected president of the United States should suddenly become fair and impartial while counting ballots? Not to mention that this party has not ceased in an endless stream of calumny and invective and promises to remove this president whatever it takes. Well. And now we have the battleground states where those counting the ballots might very well be from the same pool from which we got the unbiased moderators for the debates. Is it a wonder that some of us including the President are entertaining the idea that there may be one or two or maybe many many more that might be illegitimate? And to have these same states to suddenly suspend the counting on the very eve they are supposed to be counting. I would suspect something rotten in Denmark if suddenly the firemen shut off their hoses during a three alarm and went home to come back later. I would perhaps suspect even the possibility of an arson cover-up. Thus I have to ask if credulity supposes us to believe that people of such left leaning Trump hating ideology would not at least be tempted (for virtuous reasons of course) to perhaps discard a Trump ballot while allowing the delivery of boxes and boxes of Biden ballots brought under the secrecy of night (among other irregularities)? Joseph Stalin often held that it doesn't matter so much who votes but who counts the votes. Interesting too that the leader of the USSR said this for it seems to me that his place of freedom and religious tolerance and diversity of thought is where our trajectory seems to be pointed like one of those interballistics. Yes, indeed.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


 I am in a quandary. I have an ice cream preference but after Senator Feinstein's enlightenment on the latest evolution of the language I have to reconsider carefully my language. After all the number one offense in our tolerant culture is to offend. So how do I state my ah, preference (for want of better, more enlightened, more sensitive word) for mint chocolate chip ice cream over vanilla? I heard and have no reason to doubt that due to the important and authoritative (perhaps authoritarian) stature of Miss Feinstein Merriam Webster went right out and changed his dictionary. So you can see that I too must bow to the latest language boundaries so as to make my words weak enough that they won't assault the ears of any of those who have come to the finest distinctions in derogatory dissing. And yes, most certainly such a word as preference does have that sound of goosestepping fascists in it I have finally come to see. It does behoove one with our current Scribes and Pharisees to be submissive and compliant when it comes to such a tortuous four letter word as preference. How could I have been so callous all these years to have ever preferred anything?