Year Old Post
In "A Man For All Seasons" a film about the life of St Thomas More, the Duke of Norfolk says in leiu of the approaching danger facing Sir Thomas with regard to his non-compliance to the King's demand that he recognize the King's adulterous marriage: "Why,this isn't Spain, it's England!" The line was meant to emphasize that it was Spain that had the Inquisition and England was not in the least like it. I think we in America suffer from the same dellusion as the Duke of Norfolk did (Sir Thomas was beheaded at the command of the King in Merry Ol' England). If I was to say that we have our own inquisition in place and getting more and more demanding for compliance every day most would perhaps say I was overstating the case; and if not seriously in need of therapy myself to see how nice things really are. But I thought back to the bakers who lost their livelihood simply because they would not concur in a wedding celebration that went contrary to their conscience. I was reminded again just today when I entered the town's library. There in front of me was a rainbow banner with a sampling of "Gender Identity" books. Not Shakespeare, or Dickens, or Jane Austen... no. Whether it is England or Spain we are in I think the new inquisition is ramping up. I bet St Thomas where he is now recognizes it. I'm not sure how many of us do. But don't worry for we may have the clear vision of Hans Christian Andersen before we know it. We will no doubt then realize that we may just be closer to St Thomas's times than we dare to think.
How does it come about where a nice respectible quiet library in a little coastal town feels compelled to have posters up on their notice-boards of Trans Task Force activities? Please wake me up somebody. I have stumbled into a hallucengenic hades I can't get out of, or the real world has become so strange a Salvadore Dali painting would seem like a mega-dose of mundane reality. How have we come down such a road which can only lead to the abyss? Were there no signs? No priests or ministers of the Gospel waving their arms for our vehicles to stop? Was there no one who could deduce a terrible danger in the twisting of the word "Discrimination"?
After scrolling through the news I have to believe we are not in danger of an atmosphere with excess carbon or ozone holes (remember those?), but we breath in an atmosphere of spiritual corruption, the like of which our grandparents could not have dreamed. Ah yes, we care so much for purity of the earth with our earthdays, our obsession over the carbon footprint, our policing no smoking zones. Yet we don't seem to mind the sewerage we dump into the channels of our children's minds. We say we care for oil spills, nuclear waste storage, fracking, pipelines. Yet we build pipelines of perversion into the accepting fields of the primitive beauty of our children. Can we be so oblivious to the steady flow of toxic seepage? Dare we not filter let alone stop, the drain of these PCPs into the sacred space of a child's innocence? Kindergarten is not too soon to learn about the entire spectrum of 'love' and whether it is a good time or not to decide your gender. God help us! I'm getting sick of this poisoning of these innocent ones. Had we dumped such sewerage into the Charles or Hudson we'd be marked men. But to dump it into children today is called 'freedom', 'celebration', 'diversity'. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of our silent pulpits. I'm sick of those that twist the meanings of once good words. I'm sick of all the sit-coms, the films, the news anchors, the chatty morning shows, the PC businesses that have become the sewer pipes to flood a once beautiful country with filth. I'm sick of the new secular preachers who proselytize through their magazines, video games, billboards, classrooms. I am ashamed to be a citizen of this century. May God have mercy on us. May we seek to stand against these gutter gods and proclaim as the boy, still innocent, in the story that the emperor really doesn't have any clothes on. May we all be busy to untie that millstone that must be around our necks.
Upon seeing a possible ice age coming I am all for global warming---from the recent weather I have been pursuaded that the last thing we should be doing is curtailing any carbon exhalations. No, by all means at the risk of going against what I am told is the entire scientific population that we need to shrink the size of the carbon footprint, I suggest that we begin forthwith to increase it. Do we realize that our Star withers 590,000 tons of matter into energy every second a...nd that most of this heat is lost in the cold blackness of space? The smallest percentage touches us. A delicate balance. I urge that trees which suck in carbon dioxide at an unconscionable rate need to be removed in favor of carbon friendly parking lots and sand dunes. If we care anything about climate and its plunge into a Plutonian freeze which is firmly evidenced in the sample size of the last few days that forests be a thing of the nostalgic past. By the way, for any of you arborphiles (I used to be one until I came to my ecological senses) forests---even the smallest---dwarf a squadron of SUV flatulence in their appetite for carbon. We will be thanked no doubt for such radical response to the gasp our atmosphere has for the protective cover of greenhouse gases. And once every tree is cut down we can rest easy that a great cover of carbon will keep the earth cozy.