Tolerance, the Fourth Theological Virtue
The white-throated sparrow. Observed one up close today at Steer swamp. The markings, the black lines circumnavigating the crown, the white throat, the yellow dot by the eye, the shades of brown and copper on the wing. Well, I must confess at these times I'm guite relieved to believe in God. To not believe in the Artist would really make bland a visit to the art museum.
A friend just posted a satirical post on gravity as a social construct. But how can he be satirical about such a thing? Certainly it depends on how one feels. Isn't it freeing to free one bound by the slavery to outdated norms of gravity? Shouldn't we encourage any of our gravity-oppressed brethren to flap their arms and release themselves from the puritanical old science? Really, I might just have to unfriend my friend for posting such an unfeeling, narrowminded idea. Why ke...ep people from realizing their new reality and inhibit them from walking off of buildings, keep those who think themselves a winged avis from jumping out of skyscraper windows, keep teachers from teaching the open-minded view and catechizing gravityphobes out of their phobia? Maybe we who aren't haters will fight for unbigoted science that give the appropriate vision that gravity indeed is a social construct. It is as one great philosopher once said: "Gravity is dead." Thus please cancel any of your concerts against such a hateful law that would prohibit walking off the Tobin Bridge. Shouldn't we fight for our friends to pursue such a freedom?
The cow-towing to political correctness seems to have no end. And I find it interesting that many who claim (on certain issues) 'who are we to judge?' are so quick to judge people of the past with our updated moralities. I have to wonder when will the first abortion provider take the place of Lincoln on the Five, or the first HS married couple replace Hamilton on the Ten, or perhaps even the first sex-inclusive bathroom be featured on our currency? I confidently expect it won't be long with the courageously compassionate tolerant inclusive leadership that we currently have.
I've been taking some linguistic lessons and I am coining a term for the Ringoes, Bruces, Michael Moors---wouldn't they be statophobes? Or Northcarolinaphobes? Granted I'm not much of a wordsmith but I think the principles of the present wordsmiths can be applied. Or perhaps it is we that resent them who are musicophobes and filmaphobes? Or perhaps perhaps hypocriticophobes?
So now celebrities are coming out of the woodwork, the bathroom woodwork, in order to show their solidarity for yet another hedonistic enlightenment---I wonder where all this sudden self-righteousness (which they continually condemn in those of us superstitious religious people) comes from. While such a flagrant injustice as sex-specific bathrooms had existed ever since bathrooms existed where were all the protestations during such an oppression? It is unnerving to observe how history is so silent about this monstrous injustice. So in my historical reading I keep expecting to read some great enlightened individual like Ghandi, or MLK, or William Wilberforce to have made this his ultimate cause. Certainly someone in the past would've thought to stop this oppression. Yet, not a word until our current times! Quite disconcerting that compassion has not happened until our own day. But at least today we have great liberators to liberate bathroom accessibility. At last, at last!
In the end times even the very elect will be deceived. Who ever thought such a prophecy would be realized in our own times? The fact that the present propaganda is so sophisticated as would make the Nazi wordsmith Goebbels envious---should this not be a cause of concern? And should it not make us sensitive to the political words we are spoon-fed? May we spit them out as wormwood-bitter to our taste.
It strikes me as queer that all these posters on "Sexual Assault Awareness Month" plaster the walls of this christian campus. With all these warnings I would think this small little college must be one of the most sexually violent in New England. Yet, I hadn't heard of even one rape in the news. I looked at one of the ubiquitious posters more closely: the first talk will be: "Hunting Ground Habitats"; the next: "Look Out For Your Siblings". I tried to make sense of why such a peaceful, quiet, campus would advocate such an angst among its students. Could it possibly be the same impetus that had not long ago been the dominant wall-paper here: "White Privilege Awareness", "Racial Awareness", "Islamophobia Disease Awareness", "Homophobic Awareness", and so many other critical awarenessess. Perhaps higher education means that students must be made or manufactured to be the most aware people in such a white-male-dangerous universe.
At a Christian college I notice the posters. April I didn't know is "Sexual Assualt Awareness Month" (interestingly I didn't see any reference to 'the Bathroom Bill' which in my own intolerant ignorance seems like a logical enemy?). Might such walls also alert us that "Gender Diversity Days" will soon be upon us? That the evangelism in the poster, "The Evolution of Eve" will begin the five part series in Womyn's Studies? It continually appears as if we have finally found the real thrust of Christianity in our colleges. Walls do make quite the profound pulpit after all.
Poland, stay strong. Even if everyone walks out of your churches. Even if the pews become empty. Even if not a zloty gets put in the collection. Stay strong.
The news from Poland is that their 'far right administration' (my quotes) has put forth a proposal to ban abortion in Poland. Hmmm. I somehow noticed the phrase 'far right administration'. I guess 'far right' in our world first of all means outside of the normal. 'Right' of course conjures up ridiculous things like religious fanaticism. And of course 'far' proposes even a more radical fanatic. Interesting that the media should feel called upon to inform us with such an adject...ival phrase instead of merely 'the administration of Poland'. Perhaps the media doesn't think we are smart enough to detect the abnormality of such an administration that has the audacity to reject the inherent humanitarian and hedonistic and lawful and Darwinian right to terminate the mere bit of embryonic tissue arisen in the womb of a woman. But then wasn't it the 'far right' Hitler that advocated the same thing? Hmmm. I'm quite confused. I might not be so confused if the media would just use nouns.
The ire that was showed to Trump for his---heaven forbid---audacity to suggest some penalty---well it does seem an incredible inconsistency. One can believe in mercy---here I am not arguing one way or the other, but only on the inconstancy of our PC that has so infected us that we are not willing to follow through on what we call things. We say abortion is 'murder' but almost act as if to terminate a child was merely a light-hearted inappropriateness. How else to explain the ire raised against anyone who dare say it is so severe a thing to take a life that something more than an embrace is required?