Monday, October 30, 2017

The Surprise at the Door

The other night my cat came to the door. I knew it was the cat as he has the habit of opening the storm door with his claws and letting the door slam and that gets me, his obedient servant, up. Further I could understand that immediately after the slam came the incessant tapping at the door. The cat does this as a means of making the matter urgent when say, it is raining, which it was. It was still dark as I was making my way to the door and yes, there was a steady rain and so my cat's obedient servant was shuffling off to the door. When I got there I of course expected as you would I'm sure, to see a cat. Instead to my astonishment there was not a cat at the door. Instead facing me was the rear end of a raccoon the size of a bear cub who on seeing me approach decided I guess that he wasn't after all interested in entering a human domicile. I don't know why, as I am sure he would have enjoyed some 9 Lives cat food which would I think be a delicacy for him compared to the rounds of trash barrels he visits on his nightly rounds. But be that as it may, I still wondered how he knew my cat's prodicol for entrance into his palace. Had he been studying my cat's ways? Or is the slamming of the door and tapping for urgency the litany all creatures inherently know, especially those who are about as interested in rain as a cat is?

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Switching Terms

it's about using language correctly. The vagueness in such artificial language I cite is meant to propagandize. It is meant to lump anything 'offensive' all together and stereotype the oppressive male. We already have the real language meant to actually convey something and nobody is saying these words cannot be misused. Bill Clinton used it with the definition of 'is'. But what I'm talking about these artificially manipulative terms meant to obfuscate.

Charlotte was not at all equating the two just as I am not. James jumped over to the term rape which I wasn't discussing on this post. I was talking language that is meant to be vague and paint with a broad brush people into oppressors and oppressed, victims and victimizors. My friend, Charlotte, is one of the wisest women I know and full of respect for the beauty of what God created in male/female and she sees further the ploys of those who wish to manipulate us into combatants. This is the thrust of feminism in creating an animosity of gender. Pretty soon (if not already) a man will be hardly able to greet a woman with something as innocuous and innocent as a smile without coming under the politically correct cloud of suspicion.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Isn't the Me Too Campaign a Way to Heal our Wounds?

I think there has always been healing salve in the Christian Church, and there are many ways it goes around but the recent public campaign seems to me very very suspect. I have very little doubt the Left is using this as an occasion for further advancement to their agenda of division. It is all in Alinsky, Gramci, Lucacz (Frankfurt School devotees) to name a few. Satan always uses a little truth and compassion in his manipulating us. Funny no one is calling for purity, modesty in dress, the elimination of trashy music, i.e. rap, hip hop, heavy metal, Hollywood hedonism, etc. This too is telling as to the real agenda.

"Sexual abuse" is purposely vague---this is my original point. And modesty and preaching of sexual morality would fix a lot of things. And yet getting back to God's ways, preaching against the playboy (and playgirl, by the way) culture is not part of the agenda. It is all about control and I believe we won't understand this agenda until our freedoms are gone and there are video cameras everywhere.

What's Really Going On with this New Newspeak

I really believe that the language that we receive arises out of a linguistics that isn't organic but artificially induced to shape a  narrative which is not a good one. I think we are as Christians to rise above victimhood, to do all things "through Christ which strengtheneth me". Victimhood is very much a Marxist notion trotted out today ad nauseum. Of course no one is immune from bad things and bad people; but the folks pushing this narrative are the very ones that have been pushing sexual license and also seeking to limit parental autonomy. This itself should be a clue as to what is really going on.

Linguistic Harassment, Linguistic Abuse

I don't use much of what I find are the artificially induced political language that is all in vogue. Words such as "harassment" and "abuse" are vague and I fear they are purposely so so as to stigmatize with a broad brush. I mean what is harassment after all? Is it an unwanted hug, a mere 'hello' to someone who you wish to just share a happy smile with? Is it the blitzkrieg of one's body by another? Is it a violent assault of one's virginity? Is it a stalking, a simple greeting at a water-cooler? Is it merely a look and beholding God's exquisite handiwork in framing a lovely face? and does the spectrum of meaning go all the way to the most violent invasions over the autonomy one should have over one's body? The same really goes for the word, "abuse". All this to say we already have words that are much more definitively descriptive of an action and leave no room for a liberal interpretation. We all know the older words. Why these new coinages I wonder? Might there be other reasons other than mere description involved? I mean when I hear the sentence "The man was suspected of child abuse," or "The woman put a complaint into the court of sexual harassment" I for the life of me have no idea what the crime is or if it was even a crime. Whether on the one hand a parent spanked a child, or kept his child in solitary confinement in a basement where his only company for months were spiders and sowbugs. As to harassment I have no idea whether it was a unwanted request for a date by a man who had a pimply face and a pale complexion or whether it was a pervert (can we still use this word?) who opened a raincoat? Or even worse.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Dear and Glorious Physician

Taylor Caldwell's Dear and Glorious Physician. Her insights into Rome and her regression from republic to empire and its parallel to our own current plight is so insightful as to be prophetic. Thus far I have to say that the beauty of language, the depiction of decadent orgiastic Rome, the nobility of some of the few resisters to the riotous life, Lucanus and his goodness and his misguided enmity toward God is so well drawn that I wouldn't hesitate in predicting it to be a masterpiece not to be missed and a manual to guide even our own times.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

The Latest Fashion: Victimhood

This, one of the themes of the Frankfurt School: a theory that would weaken and eventually mortally wound western society. May we dare ask whether the rise of the current fashion to share one's victimhood something to do with FS's agenda?  I  wonder to what purpose all this claim against the past? Might one of the results possibly be the stereotyping of the offending group? Whites, males, the rich? When I was at university the people outside of the protection of the new sacrosanct law against stereotyping were known by the telling acronym WASP (white anglo-saxon protestant); another closely associated group which also fell under the secularist judgment included Catholics like Christopher Columbus and was known by the pejorative "dead white European males". Currently we see the new stereotypes applied to the Tea Party, those in the South (and North also) who resent the cultural cleansing, those who support the President, those who resist taking the knee except before He to Whom genuflection is the appropriate response. To be a member of any one of these was and is to be immediately condemned as a misogynist male, a religious fundamentalist, a Jesus freak, a de facto imperialist (as if the self righteous critics on the Left don't have the trait of imperialism in their own souls.).. I must say that I find it curiously consoling that the professors who directed our self-righteous fury against these groups profess a puritanism that has seemed to come upon them suddenly, while I remember so vividly how they pushed so ardently for a society Heffnerian hedonistic. I have to wonder how those who defaulted to the darkness of debauchery have come to suddenly love the newly turned on light.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Current 'Me Too' Campaign

The current 'me too' campaign seems more evidence of how we have fallen for the Left's push for creating categories of oppressors/oppressed, victimisors/victims, making men the enemy of women, painting one (men) as culprit, the other (women)as culpritee---what should have been the loveliest of relationships has so often become ruined and this is due to our rejection of the great Designer of the dance. Both sexes have fallen and need redemption and it certainly is not through conjuring up all the times someone has sinned against one. It is rather extending forgiveness and realizing that we all can fall into the oppressor category and the Left and their little gimmicks is not what will cleanse our souls and give us peace. The cultural engineers only seek to deform the dance into a divorce.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

God's Truth Above All Human Comfort

One thing we talked about in men's group this morning was that we must be willing to hold God's Truth above all human comfort, all promises of pleasure; hold it in the face of false ideologies, in the prospect of persecution, even in contradistinction to our most rewarding relationships should they compete with the revelation of God in His Son Jesus Christ. May it be so in this day when the culture seems obsessed with corrupting, in calling evil good and good evil, in socially engineering boys and girls out of their boyhood and girlhood, of advancing sexual sophistication among the little innocent ones, of claiming for rights what was once in a more civilized age a barbarism against the babe in what should be the safest hate-free zone in the world---the mother's womb, May this little rant be a step in the direction of a willingness to put away fear of what man thinks, and instead spend one's words in the favor of the Truth of which no relativism will ever replace.

The Resurgent Puritanism?

I find it a bit interesting that when now President Trump was running for office there seemed to be a great resurgence in puritanism among the Democratic Party, feminists, liberal talk show hosts and hostesses, the secularists, and even church people. They insisted quite loudly that they were horrified, demeaned, disenfranchised, victimized over such coarse language of a particular private conversation of the nominee. But this recent puritan reformation has seemed to be a short-lived movement. For now we have Harvey Weinstein who happens to be misunderstood in seeking to help models and actresses in their ambitions. For some reason I guess the purity that is in puritanism was not all that operative any more.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

New Names Anyone?

New names anyone? (Notice the convenient recent use of the acronym "BSA"...for Boy Scouts of America).
How about just "Boy" Scouts?
Girls/Boys Camp-out Fun? (By the way, a man named Harvey will be Scout Master for these co-ed campouts).
Boys will be Girls and Girls will be Boys Scouting?
Apologies for the Past Patriarchy of Boy-Exclusive Scouting?
Boy Privilege Redeemed?
Reformed Center For Scout Neutered Camping and Woodcraft?

"Boy" Scouts

I must finally congratulate the La Femme ideology for earning yet another merit badge for its overcoming the stereotype that just because a thing is called "Boy Scouts" that it must somehow be so intolerant and genderist to exclude girls. (Didn't we learn anything when we finally got sane and realized that bathrooms shouldn't be gender limited---how fascist can you get!). Yes, Feminism itself deserves this time a merit badge extraordinaire. It has earned it by its social justice intervention to overcome such intolerance and exclusiveness in its equalizing the terrible totalitarian domination of the Boy Scouts of America by boys. One can hardly imagine that in this day and age a single gender group could exclusively command a club as notoriously close-minded to not be open to both genders. And of course it goes without saying that efforts are now even underway for the compassionate inclusion of all 66 genders. Then one can only imagine the equality that will be practiced on those camp-outs (I've heard there is a move to get a man named Harvey to be the chaperone on these over-nighters). So thank you once again to that ideology that has done so much in the past decades to deliver us from such totalitarian testosterone that would in the end make---Venus forbid---a masculine man.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Sorry, Mr. Goodell

Sorry, Mr. Goodell. Too late for me. The NFL has already shown where it stands, or should I say, kneels?

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Scalpels and Suction Tubes

Perhaps we should make scalpels and suction tubes illegal. When one thinks of quantity of killing aren't these two instruments in first place?

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Cain and Abel

Without God all things are permissible.
Ivan Karamazov

This is the cause of all the evils in the world. Remember Cain killed his brother with a rock. If we outlawed rocks wouldn't it be the Abels who could not defend themselves? Cain, I think, would still have his rock.

Monday, October 2, 2017

After the Las Vegas Massacre. See Psalm 46

I just wonder how many tragedies, hurricanes, tsunami's, terrorism, wars and rumors of wars, mass murders, the rebellions happening in so many unsettled minds, the drugs, the assaults, the erosion of our moral sensibilities, the spell of ennui which seems to be our default setting when mountains, oceans, fields, all those things that should wake us to wonder under such a wide variety of skies---have to occur before we think that the possible underlying reason might just be the abandonment of God, the only real root from which goodness grows. When we have asphaulted our hearts against Him we shouldn't be surprised at the growing rarity of goodness and the eruption of evil, of flowered fields giving way to bare concrete crusted lots with only noxious weeds sprouting out of the cracks. I hope we, perhaps today, perhaps tomorrow, perhaps the next day will come to know Who to turn to as our only refuge in a time of trouble.