Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The Three Elderly Ladies at Daily Mass

Just was to the wake of Marge, one of the parishioners at Our Lady who passed away at 94. She was a beautiful woman. Until maybe the past year when she was too infirm to attend she would be at daily mass. She always sat with Mary and Pat, two ladies around the same age. At times when I got discouraged with what seemed to be lack of Catholic courage in our shepherds as the culture was transforming into a weird mix of Orwell and Huxley---a kind of Brave New Big Brother World. But all I needed to do to realize the strength that was in holiness was to just be in the presence of these ladies, examples each in their unique way of beautiful good gracious lovely femininity. The ladies too were a contradiction to the times with their long dresses, faces with only the cosmetic of caritas, their uncolored white hair, their meek voices. Each had infirmities you could never guess in their smiles. Mary was nearing complete blindness, Pat was beset with a brain tumor, Marge had lymphoma. One of the granddaughters at the wake told me the last conversation her grandmother had with Mary, her best friend, was that her grandmother told Mary that she looked forward to seeing her again... in heaven. Amen.

Well. Justice.

Well. Justice. A three year attempted coup called "collusion" (did any of us even hear this word before?); and now that collusion hasn't performed the coup we'll try something else and morph the charge into "obstruction of justice."-- perhaps this is something like how "global warming" morphs into "climate change".
Well. Justice. stage a HATE CRIME which of course is only staged to further one's acting career. It has nothing to do with deceit. Nothing to do with rubbing racism back into the fabric so indelibly that the stain will not come out. Nothing that should incur a prison sentence. But this after all isn't Russian collusion so we can drop the charges.
Well Justice. Inquisition a Supreme Court Justice by ME TOO inquisitors. You can do this because the charged is a white privileged male. And you can especially do this if you have a poor unprivileged victimized psychology female professor who is willing to stage a Tony Award performance before a like-minded audience of open-minded tolerant anti-patriarchal Dems who are certainly on the side of democrat facts when they collide with republican fiction.
Justice comes from the Greek δικαιοσύνη. Another translation is righteousness. It is one of the primary characteristics of God. Perhaps our country has gotten into such a Justice confusion because we have exiled God to a faraway Gulag and put in Divine Justice's place the model of a human Jussie.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

If They'd Only Asked Me About Russia

If the Russian investigating committee had just approached me or one of my kindred three years ago we could have told them you are investigating the wrong team and we would've saved the state untold millions, if not billions of our tax dollars spent to coup a sitting president who won fair and square his place in the White House. And it isn't bragging to say this was obvious in the get go. My goodness, did you need Columbo to discover this, dare I call it, a deception? Ask yourself when has the Democratic Party ever created a hoax before? Or when have you known them to tell a falsehood? Or dared to make false accusations against say, a nominee for a Chief Justice position? Or created hysteria over some environmental convulsion that would lead to, not a religious, but a natural apocalypse? Do such a things ever happen? Oh, but wait. Sixteen year olds are striking for climate justice across the country at all the places of HIGHER LEARNING. I guess we can trust our future governance to such mature most uninfluenced reasoning minds as these.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

How is it Our Separated Brethren Recognize Cyrus and Catholics Don't?

How is it our separated brethren, the Bible believing Evangelicals support Cyrus, our President, and so many Catholics, even in the hierarchy, still unabashedly and judgmentally oppose him (because of alleged moral failings)? This is to the great shame of us. It only betrays an indefensible biblical illiteracy that has infected even bishops (of course there are those who are heroic and are playing the man with the courage of a Polycarp or an Ignatius of Antioch and should be applauded with praise). Yet too many Catholics, both clergy and lay, don't seem to realize that the party of their ancestors is no longer the party of the common man but has become, with ever increasing clarity, the party of the communist man. Indeed what can the world be but a very perilous pasture when our culturally compromised shepherds have surrendered their crook in deference to the wishes of the wolves?

Thursday, March 21, 2019

I Wonder Why

I wonder why the electoral college is up for debate. I wonder why the 16 year old voting age (why stop at 16?) is being floated. I wonder why the sudden compassion for those crossing our borders illegally. I just wonder if it could have anything to do with the fact that the dead souls in the urban cemeteries cannot guarantee elections anymore.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

What Makes up the Backbone of the Fox? Nada.

So it has come down to telling the truth will even get you suspended from Fox. Well. It seems that another station, a station not afraid of standing up with moral courage in the face of what Orwell labeled "universal deceit" is called for. Indeed to speak the truth in such a place is becoming more and more an act of heroic resistance to the tolerant totalitarians. May we not suffer such cowardly "conservatives" lightly. We need more than ever the courageous kind. We will gladly give the left the others.

Electoral College and the Popular Vote

Have you ever played a game with someone and because you were winning and won, your opponent wished to change the rules to put the game in his favor? Well...Changing the electoral college to the popular vote just happens to be one of those rules that your opponent wishes to change. Of course there was good reason for this rule (as with most rules that give a game its gameness). The reason is that without it the urban centers like New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles would end up electing the President and places like Montana, Idaho, Mississippi, the Carolinas, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, North and South Dakota, Utah would in essence have no say. The electoral college ensures that each state is represented in deciding the presidency. This idea of state representation is why each state no matter how big or how small gets two senators. To monkey with the machine of our electoral process just because you still can't take Hillary's humiliation is simply a hubris that would tip the game board over rather than lose with grace. We used to call this being a spoiled brat. But I guess I would be branded a bratophobe for even thinking such a thing.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Swamp in the Polis and the Ecclesia

St Mary's Men's group. The talk was one that sought to unclothe the darkness that has entered the Church. Not only is there a swamp to be drained in the Polis (getting accomplished in spite of so many cowardly defections and betrayals) but the Church seems to have entered swamphood herself. As to the Polis our courageous Chief Executive is daily unmasking the Left's infiltration. And as to the Ecclesia our courageous uncompromised bishops (it seems all too few) are seeking as well to drain the swamp and make it a garden again. I think we need a hat "Make the Church a Garden Again". That will give me two hats for which I will be a proud wearer.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Pro-Life Feminist?

Just saw a post of a woman captioned as a pro-life feminist. How can this be? Can one be a pro-Jewish Nazi? Or a pro-capitalist Communist? A pro-God atheist? A pro-black white supremacist? The feminist ideology-tree is what is bearing such evil fruit as abortion, motherless homes, gender confusion, etc. Why are we so readily willing to grasp the fruit of such trees rather than plant for ourselves authentic femininity trees which, believe me, will bear a much different fruit.


Who knew that when George Orwell was writing that he was not writing a novel but a documentary?

The Scientific Proof Just In!

You see folks, climate change is true. Why, even time changes and is man caused. Daylight Savings Time proves it. I'm surprised quite frankly that no scientist or professor in the ivy leagues has used this as one of the irrefutable confirmations settling the science even more than it was previously. If this gets out perhaps Miss Congresswoman Cortez will have to adjust her twelve years apocalypse to something even tragically less. She really needs to put DST into the equation.

The Problem With Daylight Savings Time

I was sure to stay up Saturday night till the clock struck two and then I turned the clock ahead. This is why I'm not crazy about daylight savings time. Couldn't they make the change earlier so I wouldn't have to stay up into the wee hours of the morning to change the clocks?

Saturday, March 9, 2019

International Woman's Day?

At the risk of incurring the wrath of women (not all women by the way) I do not celebrate International Woman's Day for the same reason I would not celebrate International Man's Day (if there was one) because it is a meaningless Marxism and parallel to International Workers Day. So may I ask which women are we celebrating? Margaret Sanger, Simone de Beauvoir, Ilhan Omar, Gloria Steinham, Hilary Clinton, Mother Teresa, or the Blessed Virgin? Isn't it then as meaningless as celebrating International People's Day or to even go more inclusive, International Living Organism Day? I could more readily celebrate a particular Lion or Lioness than I could the whole of the Malaria bacterium.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

The New HATE Legislation

I just heard Nancy Pelosi give congresswoman Ilhan Omar a pass. She spun it where it "seemed" as though it could be construed as anti-Semitic but was simply a matter of not using the right vocabulary. And so Speaker Pelosi decides to bring along a bill to censure all the Hate (this term has become such a political club, hasn't it?). Well the Hates listed were interesting: following right on the heels of anti-semitic Hate was Islamophobia Hate, which seemed quite strange considering the catalyst for this Hate bill seemed to be the Islamic congresswoman. Alas, in our current double think we should just accept more Hate legislation. Of course one of the categories mentioned was the white supremacists that must be epidemic. They are continually mentioned. One would think they would be balanced with the Black Israelites of Covington fame. I did think Nancy might include among the Hate Crimes: Covington and Catholic phobia which seem to induce quite a bit of Hate. But crickets on Covington and Catholic Hate. Ah well. What can one expect from a devout Catholic with her ashes like Nancy P.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Birth Strike

Well if things from the Left could not get any crazier we now have the advocates of the latest craze: birth-strike. The catalyst for such a movement no doubt was AOC's advice for people to stop having children---after all doesn't everyone now know that the earth really can't sustain an overabundance of urchins? (But of course compassion for border children is a different matter entirely). But what are we to make of this latest brilliant idea of the Left? Could it be that this new assault on motherhood is just some more "virtue signalling", a high five to the ideology of Planned Parenthood, an applauding of abortion in all its stages, a final acceptance of the final solution of feminism? One must admit the family has fallen on hard times. This once unquestioned foundation of society must now be unmade. Do any of us really wish to follow this trajectory? In the end I'm afraid it will make China's one child policy appear as most generous. If our own cultural elite have their way we, the propagandized, will have, perhaps even embrace, a no child policy. Of course such policy will be given the phobic spin that because of the immanent death of the world from "climate change" the carbon footprint of children is something that could be charitably deleted. You see Planned Parenthood has taught us well. Babies are expendable unnecessary burdens on mother earth. Just as an aside isn't 'mother' earth a little ironic seeing that motherhood and children are passe now especially in our new era of birth strike? On second thought birth strike may not be so detrimental if it becomes an adopted platform rigorously practiced by the Planned Parenthood party.

Monday, March 4, 2019

An Unusual Sight off the New England Coast

On walking by The Barnacle, a pub in Old Town, a friend who works there knew I was interested in birds so she had me come in and give a kind of mini lecture on this particular bird that was infesting the harbor just outside the pub. I've seen ants in such numbers when an ant hill is disturbed, or looking at a honeycomb full of bees; or even starlings roosting in trees and then at a loud noise exploding into the sky like a puff of pepper. But ducks in such numbers? The sight was impressive yes. But also the sound: they were singing. Singing a plaintive forlorn song. Of course it needn't be forlorn in their speech. In their musicology it could have been a joyous jig they were singing and this was a Fezzwig kind of barn dance---and certainly being a duck one of the places you might choose to have your dance is out on the balmy waters along the New England coast before heading north to the more bracing baroque waters of Newfoundland.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Curious Witnesses for the Dems

I just find it most curious that the star witnesses for the Dems has been most recently Cohen, a convicted purgeror, Stormy Daniels, a porn star, Blaisy Ford, a doctor of psychology who expressed such schizophrenia regarding her misremembering things and using such a myriad of manipulative voices in her testimony. I just have to return scratching my head like a Lt. Columbo confused about the charges of collusion after three years of reruns.