An Idea for the Rising Ocean
With such carbonated concern for the end of the world fast approaching, the certain coming catastrophe, I would think this irrefutable inconvenient truth would be just the catalyst to have us toss out our air conditioners, toss out our smart phones for the energy saving pencil, take up the relaxing riding of bicycles, string out clotheslines again across all the backyards allowing for solar drying, and in conjunction find all washers and dryers and dishwashers going out to the transfer station (in a less sensitive time known as "the dump"). I wish now to buy stock in washboards. I know the certain reversal to the old ways of us doing for ourselves with our own musculature will be quite a good regress. This will be how we really can provide the justice the climate so demands. Yes, may dishpan hands become great again.
Maybe my imagination's getting the better of me but I sense the hatred and anger transfused into this child may be just the thing to inspire a future-first-female Fuhrer.
How much anger and hatred can you store in a kid? And how much arrogant virtue signalling can you propagandize a kid with? And how much can you coach self-righteous loathing into a sixteen year old? And how much precocious totalitarian zeitgeist can you fill the small frame of a Greta with? Sadly, a lot. Sadly, this political use of children is not yet considered child abuse. Sadly, she hasn't recognized all the supporting serpents pouring out their heady deadly wine into their chalice glittering with celebrity. Sadly, we may have the first future female dictator in the making. Oh, the addictive thrill of fighting for a cause!
Recently I watched a video account of a 25 week premature baby that was saved through the efforts of doctors. This effort was in stark contrast to diabolic rhetoric of the democrats in their "debate" (I put "debate" in quotes because I was under the impression debate implied disagreement.) Instead of disagreement, however, what happened in the democrat debates was a case of collectivist conformity. And one of the cases of collectivist conformity concerned "reproductive rights" and how abortion was necessary to our planet's health. Population control was of the essence.
18 years ago some people did something. And of course since 1972 some people on the Court did something and since then Parenting and Family Helpers like Planned Parenthood have staff people that are doing something, doing it in nice clean clinics with nice clean forceps with the sanction and applause of some people in Congress who always seem to be doing something. In 1941 I believe FDR might have announced over the radio that some people did something in a place called Pearl Harbor. I also believe Winston Churchill in the late 1930's was afraid that some people were doing something in Dunkirk. I also seem to recall that in September 1939 the country of Poland was very aware some people from some neighboring country were doing something to their borders which were intolerantly not the open kind so you can hardly blame some people for using a little force when one has un-accommodating borders. And farther back in the 18th century some ship commandeered by Captain John Newton was involved in doing something. And perhaps in the great fall of the Roman Empire the Romans came upon the idea that some people from the North were approaching and about to do something. And perhaps the Trojan Horse that entered Troy had some people (bearing gifts no doubt) in it and were anxious to do something (bestowing those gifts no doubt) when they got inside; and on a less colossal scale Caesar realized his best friend Brutus did something with something that caused him to remark "Et tu Brute?" And it seems that the Old and New Testament writers could've saved a lot of effort if they had only said, "Back in the Old, someone did something to his brother, Abel, and then in the New, Someone came along and did something on a place called Calvary to make up for all the people that are doing something.
While having a soft drink jammed with ice it came to me after some time elapsed and the solid had made its way to a liquid that the level of the drink was less. The displacement caused by the ice was greater than it was when it turned to water. Then it was I realized one of the first pieces of settled science I knew as a kid with a ginger ale and ice cubes bobbing wonderfully at the surface. This is the kind of science every kid knows before he has had common sense schooled out of him. I'm surprised that with all the angst about the levels of ocean rising no one has seemed to have recalled this! Why have not the popular scientists of the NY TIMES and HUFFINGTON POST and other such scientific organizations acknowledged this great catastrophic anomaly? Why shouldn't they wonder of such misbehaving physics? Shouldn't they see it just the other way---the water levels dangerously decreasing and the sands of coastline expanding? Why, I can just envision it! Even at high tide one might have to walk miles just to get one's toes wet. This explains at least partly, I think, why the Obamas weren't afraid to buy their 15 million dollar cottage on the globally warmed shores of Martha's Vineyard.
Doesn't look good what now appears to be the outnumbered orthodox conclave cardinals. Maybe the very great possibility of this "irreversible change" will wake us to the peril of cultural capitulation. St Pius X had warned of modernism. It turned out he knew what was around the chronological corner. Perhaps in spite of Francis's stacking of the curia an unexpected orthodox shepherd will come forth from the Holy Spirit's slight of Hand. May we pray for that.